Moral Injury

  • "In the face of moral challenges, journalists need help"

    Dr. Anthony Feinstein, contributor to The Globe and Mail/October 2022 (Photo credit: Stringer/Reuters)

  • Research Study:  “Journalists covering the refugee and migration crisis are affected by moral injury not PTSD” by Anthony Feinstein, Bennis Pavisian and Hannah Storm. SAGE Journals 8 March 2018.

  • Article: “What is moral injury, and how does it affect journalists covering bad stuff?: The psychologically debilitating hazards of crisis reporting impacts reporters who cover combat”

    By Dean Yates (@DeanPTSD), guest columnist, Best Defence/ (Includes excellent reading list)

  • Article: “On Moral Injury: can a new diagnosis help heal our souls?”

    by Janine di Giovanni (@janinedigi) Harper’s Magazine, August 2020

  • “Repairing the Hidden Cost of Journalism”

    by Dale Willman (@DaleWillman), September 29, 2020, Columbia Climate School
    Plus Webinar

  • “How a global crisis turns into a personal crisis”

    by Susan Ferreira, Columbia Journalism Review, 27 July 2020

  • Death threats and sleepless nights: The emotional toll of reporting Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict

    by Lucy Kassa (@lucykassa) for The New Humanitarian (@newhumanitarian)