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NEWSROOM WELL-BEING: Amid deadlines & difficult stories

Group Workshop - 3.5 hours
In person (preferred) - max 20 (virtual - max 10)

Explore newsroom best practices to enhance well-being and protect your people in this interactive workshop led by experts in the field of journalism, trauma and mental health.
Group discussion, planning exercises and instructor-led learning on practical strategies to improve how we cope with stress and trauma in the news industry.

HOUR ONE: Explore stress and trauma in the news industry.
What stressors do to a journalist's brain - through lecture, video testimonial from journo with PTSD, discussion.

HOUR TWO: Planning for difficult stories.
Examine how to be proactive - before, during and after difficult stories to better anticipate, support and debrief from traumatic news coverage.

HOUR THREE: Healthy strategies, boundaries.
Explore strategies for taking care - of oneself and colleagues. Basic self-care for journalists, peer support, normalizing discussion of mental health and how to combat harassment online and in the field.

NOTE: The Forum likes to conduct a brief needs assessment in advance to better understand core challenges and existing practices to help customize the workshop to meet your organization's unique needs.

The State of Mental Health in Canada’s News Industry

Presentation with Q & A - (1 hour)
For teams/newsrooms of 10-200

Examine key findings of Taking Care: a report on mental health, well-being and trauma among Canadian news workers (2022) and consider “5 best practices” to improve mental health in journalism. 

Led jointly by co-authors Dave Seglins (journalist and well-being champion) and Matthew Pearson (journalist and assistant professor, Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication)

Presentation: 3 hours (virtual, 20 participants max)

Workshop leader: Esther Enkin, Forum vice-president, former deputy editor-in-chief CBC News and ombudsman, CBC News

Participants will acquire skills for ethical decision-making around mental health and suicide reporting.  Using case studies, explores the specific challenges and best practices for reporting on topics such as:

a)    Youth mental health and suicide

b)    Mental health and suicide in Indigenous communities

c)    Responsible reporting vs concerns regarding contagion, or “copycat” suicides 

This workshop is focused specifically crafted for journalists, but mental health advocates and organizations also find beneficial.

Exploring Best Practices in
Reporting on Suicide and Mental Health


Group Workshop - 3.5 hours
In person (preferred) - max 20 (virtual - max 10)

Explore best practices for interviewing and reporting on individuals and communities that have experienced suffering and trauma. Discover best practices to “do no harm” when conducting interviews and reporting on trauma through a session that uses group discussion, exercises and expert videos. Two hours, and half day sessions available. 

  • Trauma interviewing

  • Working with children

  • Ethical relationships with sources

  • Taking care of yourself

Contact the Forum any time if you or your organization would like to discuss bespoke training. We have extensive experience in providing ex-curricula risk awareness workshops for journalism schools (in person or virtually); and sessions on covering traumatic news events or issues including gender-based violence. We appreciate that one size doesn’t always fit all – so let us know if we can help.

Bespoke Forum sessions

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